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The procedures TPS has prepared are continually updated to take advantage of improvement opportunities.

Some of the Terminal’s procedures, of common interest, are:

Comprehensive Safety Induction (ISI)

Compulsory requirement for all people that need to access the operations area, in which critical risks and their established controls to eliminate hazards and reduce risks are explained. The validity of this induction is confirmed by Terminal’s the safety area.

Prohibition of use of cellular phones and personal electronic equipment in the Terminal

This procedure establishes the prohibition of the use of distracting elements, such as cell phones and electronic devices, in the Terminal's operational area. This measure is implemented in order to remain alert to the movement of vehicles, transfer equipment and cranes, thus contributing to the prevention of accidents and operational efficiency.

Definition of the use of personal protection equipment according to Terminal areas

This procedure details the use of Personal Protective Equipment required according to the task to be performed. By categorizing areas according to their particular risks, it ensures that personnel use the appropriate PPE to minimize the risks associated with their work environment, complying with established safety standards.