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ISPS Certification
International Ship and Port Security, granted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), valid since 2004. TPS was the first Chilean port to be awarded this certification.

Solas Convention
In compliance with the IMO, in 2016 TPS implemented a container weighing system in the yard cranes, which allows to verify and certify the weight of a container without interrupting the regular operation.

ISO 45001:2018
International standard that specifies the occupational health and safety management system, aimed at protecting the workers and visitors from accident and occupational diseases, fostering safer and healthier work places. In force since 2018, replacing OHSAS 18001 that was valid since 2003 until the standard changed.

ISO 14001: 2015
International standard that allows the development of an environmental management system that includes environmental objectives and goals, policies and procedures. In force since 2002.

Certification of carbon footprint measurement
Since 2013, TPS has a certificate attesting the implementation of the methodology to measure and control de Greenhouse Effect of Gases.

Recognition from the Ministry of the Environment that certifies achieving the quantification level of the direct, indirect and other indirect greenhouse effect of gases, in accordance with the requirements of the HuellaChile Programme and NCh-ISO 14064:2013/1. In force at TPS since 2018. 

Great Place to Work
Since 2006, TPS participates every year in the measurement of work climate carried out by the “Great Place to Work Chile” Institute.

Renewable Energy Seal from IMELSA Energía
TPS has this seal since 2020, certifying that all the external network power supply used at TPS comes from renewable sources. 

"APL" Transition to Circular Economy
TPS entered into this agreement through Acción Empresas and Agencia de Sustentabilidad y Cambio Climático, which we are working on to date.